
Showing posts from May, 2024

The lead beating throwing stick in action

  I had tested one of my lead beating throwing sticks a couple of weeks ago at the St Albans park. I have not tested the lead beating throwing stick that you can see in the top photo. I will test it in the coming weeks though. The lead beating throwing stick in mention is made by Silverline tools 340 X 55mm Here's the quick video as promised.

Welcome to my Ato sports promoter Youtube channel


Wham O company liked my Frisbee throw Youtube video

  I was pleased to see that the Wham O company liked my Youtube video which showed me throwing my Wham O 175 gram frisbee. Wham O is the original creator of the Frisbee. I had placed a link to my Youtube video into the comments section of one of their Facebook posts covering the topic of Wham O frisbees.

Throwing my Wham O 175 gram frisbee

  Do you like the lovely image of the blue butterfly imprinted onto my Wham O 175 gram frisbee? My brother in law, Edward, shot this beautiful photo a few years ago. Edward is here on vacation now. We played Frisee that much yesterday, using the frisbee above and a few other discs as well. Here is a quick video of me and Edward throwing the frisbee above from yesterday, May 12th 2024.