My Bat a bing session using the Cold Steel blue tire boss bat


I had gone to my local park earlier, by myself, for a Bat a bing workout session. I don't have a video made for this session. I will try to get someone to record a future session though. I had brought my Cold Steel Brooklyn slammer bat and the bat in the photo above.

This was the first time I had used the Cold Steel big tire boss for Bat a bing. There are two sizes for this bat. There's a 20 inch bat and a 24 inch bat. Stating the obvious, the 24 inch bat is heavier than the smaller bat. I have the 24 inch size big tire boss bat.

I used a higher grip when I used the tire boss bat. I had used a one handed hitting technique. It would have been harder to use the one handed method if I had held the bat at the base of the bat. I was impressed with how well the bat had worked. I hit the ball pretty far on several occasions. I will use this bat more often for my Bat a bing workouts from now on moving forward.

My niece had mentioned that Bat a bing is similar in ways to tennis serving. Yes. I would agree with her on that. However, Bat a bing is quite hard to get the hang of. This is due to the fact that a tennis racket has a much larger hitting surface than a bat would have. I hope that Bat a bing catches on. I felt a good workout for my arms, shoulders, forearms and back when I did this series of exercises. My hand and eye coordination was given a boost too.


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