My Bat a bing demo at a local park today


I had gone to my local park earlier today to get some Bat a bing hits done. It's all part of my Frisee That Much training. I had approached a guy that was at the park. He was doing some calisthenics on a few of the workout equipment pieces that are available at the park. The guy's name is Shaq. Shaq looked to be in great shape. I asked Shaq if he would like to try Bat a bing. He kindly agreed. Shaq did a few hits. He was good at this exercise. Shaq agreed that this exercise takes hand and eye coordination.

I did a few demo hits for Bat a bing. I liked doing this. As mentioned in previous posts, I felt like I was doing a product demo of sorts. I had also met a lovely Romanian girl called Andre at the park. Andre had agreed to be in a video.

Here are 2 of the videos that were shot at the park today.


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