Hitting a baseball using my Cold Steel Brooklyn Slammer, using one hand


Here is another super quick video which was shot during a Frisee That Much session dated May 29th 2022. In this video, you see me holding the Brooklyn slammer bat with my right hand. I had the baseball held in my left hand. I threw the ball in the air a short distance above my head. I then hit the ball with the bat.

This exercise is quite hard to master. It takes hand and eye co-ordination. I have a bad right eye. I have an eye condition, called Keratoconus. I can hardly see out of my right eye. I do what I can though. That's why I am not great at catching. It's ok though as Frisee that much is more geared toward throwing. I am going to start adding this new method to my frisee that much training kit. This exercise can also benefit boxers and martial artists to gain more hitting strength and power plus hand and eye co-ordination skills.

Here is a link to the video.



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